
15 Best Quantum Computing Startups!

Quantum Computing

Businesses specializing in quantum computing are sprouting up all over the world as the rush to build a working quantum computer boosts. These companies are at the forefront of the battle to create quantum computers, which could completely change the computing industry.

The National Mission for Quantum Technologies and Applications received Rs 8 trillion from the 2020 Indian government budget. This brand-new area of research has expanded significantly over the past few years. Nirmala Sitharaman, the nation’s finance minister, declared that the program would speed up technological research for the National Mission of Quantum Technology and Application project.

Due to robust funding and physical support, quantum computing is succeeding. Along with the government, many private actors are joining the market. One of the most important issues that humankind will have to deal with in the twenty-first century is quantum computing, which is quickly becoming a reality.

Supercomputers would need to find a complex solution, according to IBM. The market for quantum computing is anticipated to only be worth about $90 million in the first quarter of 2020. With a compound growth rate of 30%, it is anticipated to reach $667 million by the end of 2027.

Quantum computing?

A computer that uses quantum mechanical principles is called a quantum computer. Quantum computing uses specialized hardware to take advantage of the behavior that physical matter exhibits at small sizes, which exhibits features of both particles and waves.

The concept of “quantum supremacy” refers to the ability of quantum computers to solve problems quickly that no classical computer could in any practical amount of time. Quantum complexity theory is the study of the computational complexity of worries about quantum computers.

Quantum Technology Use

According to quantum theory, all matter and energy are made up of tiny particles called quanta. One of the long-term objectives of study into quantum information technology is the development of techniques for managing and controlling quantum systems. This will make it possible for information processing to advance beyond what is currently achievable in the traditional world.

Engineers will use quantum ideas to solve complex problems in physics, chemistry, communications, sensors, computer science, and other areas. The quantum computer, for instance, is capable of tasks that even the most advanced supercomputers are unable to complete.

The principles of quantum technology?

If you want to work with universities to profit from their discoveries, it would be nice to have a basic understanding of what they are talking about, even though you might not need a thorough understanding of quantum technology to do so.

Future of Quantum Technology

According to a report by the IT industry body Nasscom, the adoption of quantum technologies across sectors has the potential to boost the Indian economy by $280 to 310 billion dollars by 2030. According to Quince Market Insights, the worldwide market for quantum computing will grow from $487.4 million in 2021 to $3.7 billion in 2030 at a CAGR of 25.40%.

The startups listed below are the leading 15 Best Quantum Computing Startups in India.

Top Quantum Computing Startup Companies

Here, we have listed the 15 best quantum computing startups in India.

1. BosonQ

BosonQ was founded in Bhilai, in 2021 with Abhishek Chopra as the CEO. The company’s name honors Indian physicist Dr. Satyendra Nath Bose, and it is working to develop BQPhy, the first engineering simulation software powered by quantum mechanics.

  • The use of this software to shorten the time to market and enhance product quality could be advantageous for the automotive, aerospace, and industrial industries.
  • The company is called BosonQ Psi in honor of Dr. Satyendra Nath Bose, a prominent Indian physicist who gave his name to the Boson fundamental particle used in quantum mechanics.

The quantum-based enterprise SaaS startup recently completed a pre-seed funding round, raising USD 525,000.


One of the first quantum computing companies, was established in 2017 in India. The company wants to offer quantum computing, quantum communication, simulations, and machine learning.

  • is advancing quantum science in India with a multidisciplinary team of scientists and engineers from IIT, ISI, and IISc.
  • To provide education, research, and translation of cutting-edge quantum technologies, the company also established QuAcademy.
  • To build a secure internet and communication at incredible speed and security, giving the world its first quantum communication and computing-based solution.
  • The business also plans to create safe blind computing protocols with the current quantum cloud hardware. The team is also developing novel protocols for quantum secure direct communication by applying quantum computing to AI and ML, and ways to store quantum data.

3. QpiAI Tech

Bangalore-based The computational and modeling research efforts are powered by the AI-enabled quantum modeling platform known as QpiAI Technology, which uses H. Bits, neurons, and qubits.

Features of QpiAI Tech :

  • Space, Industry 4.0, and transportation, to address the issue of model intricacy, QpiAI tech has created specialized optimization hardware.
  • The company develops AI System Generating Processors (ASGPs), which are hybrid classical-quantum computers.
  • To make hybrid chips that run at cryogenic temps and use modern semiconductor processes, QpiAI uses CMOS-based quantum dots. Nagendra Nagaraja founded the business, which seeks to put 1 million qubits on a chip to address AI/ML model generation issues.

4. QNu Labs

QNu Labs is a pioneer in secure quantum cryptography products and solutions that handle quantum key distribution, in Bangalore and Sunil Gupta, CEO of QNu Labs.

  • The use of encrypted quantum bits, and qubits, enables the sharing of cryptographic keys between two parties.
  • The business guarantees direct and uncompromising on the Internet and in the cloud.
  • The company offers quantum random number generators, quantum key generation, distribution, and management solutions. The company also provides methods for customers to upgrade their current cryptosystems to quantum-proof ones without experiencing any disruptions to their operations. Plans exist for QnU to enter QRNG. (Quantum Random Number Generator).

5. Automatski

Automatski has offices in Bangalore and Los Angeles and carries out a study in many sectors including quantum computing.

  • His work on circuit quantum computers, adiabatic quantum computers, and glow quantum computers is particularly noteworthy setups for computers.
  • It enables the modeling of qubit configurations with numerous elements. In 2018, Automatski introduced the quantum glow quantum computer and the adiabatic qubit quantum computer, the latter of which has over 100,000 qubits.
  • The business increased its prior multiscale simulation capacity of 1 billion entities by putting unified simulations into production during the same year.

6. Quantica Computation

The company from Chennai is creating a new quantum artificial intelligence platform with the primary objective of creating a software platform to take advantage of future quantum computing technology.

  • Quantica creates essential software tools, formulas, and other elements that support the creation of quantum computers. Quantum security is provided by quantum cryptographic tools for data protection.
  • Artificial intelligence and quantum machine learning are other fields of focus. To tackle different real-time computing and data analytics challenges, Quantica also creates algorithms.

The company is creating a cutting-edge virtual quantum simulator, called Alchemy, to compile and run different quantum-enabled software tools. Qubit simulator is being upgraded to a four-qubit simulator using the alpha test version.

7. QRDLab

The Kolkata-based QRDLab is a pioneer in the field, advancing quantum research, education, and consultancy for quantum computing applications.

  • The business hopes to solve practical problems by conducting cutting-edge research in software domains motivated by quantum technology.
  • QRDLab works with individual researchers and academic institutions to advance quantum research. India is developing its complete quantum computing technology stack and putting new research ideas into practice.

The company’s long-term goals include, among other things, promoting quantum education, developing a hybrid quantum-based cryptography solution for the defense, banking, finance, and cybersecurity industries, and developing a quantum machine learning algorithm.

8. Taqbit Labs

One of the best quantum computing startups in India was founded in 2018, and its name is Taqbit Labs.

  • Deep quantum key distribution technology is addressed by its solutions. A mathematical model or algorithm is not the foundation of quantum-based encryption.
  • Quantum physics provides a guarantee because the encryption is random, it is impenetrable to hackers. The concerns with QKD’s reliability, point-to-point transmission capabilities, and distance restrictions are the main areas of focus for Taqbit. Leading academic and governmental organizations have examined and endorsed Taqbit’s technology.

By incorporating contemporary quantum technologies into existing infrastructure, the goal is to increase security and data connectivity. Manufacturing, finance, healthcare, aerospace, and defense are some examples of application fields.

9. IBM

One of the top names in technology today is IBM, established in 1911 by industrialist Charles Ranlett Flint as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) in Endicott, New York. — Jay Gambetta, vice president of the IBM Quantum Lab.

  • The IBM Quantum Composer and the IBM Quantum Lab (formerly known as the IBM Quantum Experience) are two components of a quantum-related online platform that provides free and paid access to cloud-based quantum computing services.
  • It gives you access to many of IBM’s experimental quantum processors, quantum computing lessons, and textbooks. Six of the more than 20 gadgets on the service as of February 2021 are freely accessible to the general public.
  • Explore with quantum computing can be used to execute algorithms, experiments, and simulations.

10. IonQ

IonQ has developed a reputation for identifying industrial problems and creating the software necessary to address them by utilizing the most advanced technologies.

  • For instance, 1QBit uses the properties of the quantum world to support high-performance computing systems. The startup claims that it offers a unique innovation in computing design.
  • Physics aspects will soon be incorporated into processor design. Technology, services, and research offered by the startup are all focused on maximizing the use of computer resources along the way.

IonQ is a groundbreaking effort to create a quantum computer utilizing a real quantum system found in nature: individual atoms. The ionised atoms of ytterbium, a silvery rare-earth element, are used to create the qubits in IonQ. The ytterbium atoms in the universe are all the same ytterbium atom.


Google Quantum AI is a key player in full-stack quantum computing capabilities, along with IBM. The development of Google Quantum AI involves enhancing the state-of-the-art in quantum computing and creating the tools needed for researchers to work outside of the bounds of traditional computing.

  • The Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab, a joint project of Google, NASA, and the Universities Space Research Association, was established in 2013 and is the hub of Google’s quantum initiatives. It was this lab that announced in October 2019 that it had attained quantum supremacy.
  • Google’s technology and software are specifically made for creating unique quantum algorithms to assist in the resolution of impending applications for real-world issues.

These include TensorFlow Quantum (TFQ), a quantum machine library for rapid prototyping of hybrid quantum-classical ML models, Cirq, a Python software library for writing, manipulating, and optimizing quantum circuits database and analysis tool for quantum algorithms used in fermionic systems, such as quantum chemistry. Under the leadership of Engineering Director Hartmut Neven, Google Quantum AI seeks to pioneer research on how quantum computing may help with machine learning and other difficult computer science problems. The facility is housed at NASA’s Ames Research Center. The plan adopted by Google included a path toward quantum computing.


One of the big companies, Microsoft, was the first to provide a full-stack, open cloud quantum computing ecosystem, with hardware, software, and solution delivery via Azure.

  • The QuArC team, managed by Krysta Svore and located in Redmond, Washington, has its roots in two teams, even though Microsoft was founded in 1975.
  • This group investigated the construction of quantum circuits. The second was Station Q, an organization situated in Santa Barbara run by Michael Freedman that looked into topological quantum computing.
  • In September 2017 at a Microsoft Ignite Keynote, the company revealed that a new quantum computing programming language called Q# would soon be released. Later, in December of the same year, the company’s Quantum Development Kit included Q#.
  • However, there has been some controversy around Microsoft’s quantum program. Well-known research that the business had heralded as a significant advancement in the development of practical quantum computing was retracted in 2018 by a group of scientists led by Leo Kouwenhoven in the Netherlands (at the Delft University of Technology).
  • The paper made claims that Majorana particles—long theorized but never conclusively detected—had been involved.

To produce a qubit that, theoretically speaking, appears to be the best qubit currently accessible, Microsoft has adopted this exceedingly risky but highly profitable technique. The issue, however, was that no wild observations of these Majorana zero modes had ever been made. However, that is now finished, which is fantastic. We must continue to advance our engineering knowledge.


Amazon Bracket is a fully managed quantum computing service that aims to speed up software development and scientific research into quantum computing.

  • Its main objective is to catalyze creativity by removing barriers to experimentation with this technology and assisting users in getting up and running quickly.
  • AWS’s primary objective is to let third parties create new services and applications on top of the platform; quantum computers function similarly. — Simone Severini, a professor of information physics at University College and the director of AWS’s quantum computing service, is the general manager of Amazon Bracket Richard Moulds (AWS Quantum Computing Service).
  • London, Amazon Customers can use the cloud service Bracket to gain access to various kinds of quantum computers. Since 2020, anyone can sign up for the AWS Braket service, log in, and use the quantum cloud service that makes use of D-Wave’s quantum annealers, IonQ’s gate-based ion-trap processors, Rigetti Computing’s and Oxford Quantum Circuits’ gate-based superconducting processors, and Xanadu’s gate-based photonic quantum computers.

Other features include fully managed Jupyter notebooks, pre-built algorithms and tutorials, a choice of simulation tools, a hardware-agnostic developer framework, which streamlines the process of building and executing quantum algorithms, and many other intriguing possibilities.


The Alibaba Quantum Computing Laboratory was established in Shanghai, China, in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Science by the Alibaba Group’s cloud computing branch.

  • The Alibaba Group is dedicated to open-source work in the area and is a member of the international quantum computing community.
  • The Alibaba Cloud Quantum Development Platform (ACQDP), a simulator-driven platform for building quantum algorithms and quantum computers, is one of the projects under the direction of Yaoyun Shi, head of the quantum lab.

15. Microsoft

Microsoft has spent decades conducting fundamental quantum physics research to speed up the quantum computing revolution.

  • The Microsoft technique, which focuses on topological quantum computing and generates fast, stable quantum bits, uses Majorana fermions, which are assumed to be their antiparticles.
  • The development of scalable quantum computing has been made possible by theoretical developments that have influenced experimental physics.


Quantum computing is a new and rapidly evolving field, with many promising startups making significant advancements. Some of the best startups include Rigetti Computing, IonQ, Xanadu, PsiQuantum, and QuTech. These companies are focused on developing quantum computing systems, software, and technology that could potentially solve complex problems faster than any classical computer. However, it’s important to keep in mind that quantum computing is still in its early stages and may take some time before it becomes widely adopted.

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